Sunday 16 June 2013

1. Ascent

Ascent: In Christ, we are included in his self-giving within divine life. How? In baptism we enter in his death, and emerge alive to the power his resurrection. This continues in contemplation and prayer, in sacrament and worship: we are raised to breathe from the air which Christ himself breathes in his eternal communion with the Father.

This is nothing else than our ordinary life made extraordinarily ample within Christ’s relationship with the Father, so that our story also becomes Christ’s story told and relived within the Godhead. ‘This relationship is the path we must tread … so that we may embrace the loving obedience of faith. Nor is it our work: it is the Father’s “work” within us (Jn 6.28-29). It is the Father and Son “making their home” in us (14.23)’. p. 189 (cf. ff. spiritual fruit Gal 5)[1]

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