Monday 17 June 2013

Prayer: Divine life of God in Person

‘Christianity owes it to the world to make a clear connection between its testimony to the sole Redeemer, in whose name it takes “every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor. 10.5), and the witness of the Holy Spirit, which causes the entire world to awake to a religious freedom and universality which, left to itself, it could never attain nor imagine. … | Unless, in Christ, the world has been given the trinitarian “Word of life” to hear, to see and to touch; unless the preaching, the life and all the institutions of the Catholic Church present divine life, opened up and rendered accessible to [mankind], the world could justly regret the fact that man’s religious contemplation has been taken over by dogma; indeed it would be right to regard it as the greatest catastrophe in mankind’s religious history.  So we see that the Christian has an absolute duty to cultivate Trinitarian contemplation; he must come to see that what Jesus shows us of himself, what he bids us imitate, is the inner life of God, appearing in Person and overtaking us.’[1]

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